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Showing posts from September, 2019

The Uber Summer

295 trips. A small sample of the people who make up Philadelphia and it’s suburbs, but 295 trips can really teach an Uber driver about the beauty of stranger interaction. Before I talk about the lessons learned driving for Uber, I must admit that the job itself wasn’t even slightly pretty. Dents and potholes and wrong turns and near-empty gas tanks all hindered my joy rides through the city. The amount of fast food I consumed in the last three months was out of desperation, not choice. Let’s just say Burger King’s 10-piece $1.49 nugget combo was part of a calming, therapeutic ritual, otherwise known as a dinner break. The road rage was real, the pay was shitty, and the tickets subtracted too much my earnings. Okay the tickets were mostly my fault, resulting from parking at an unfed meter for 20 minutes or zooming through an E-Z pass lane. I also feel like people driving on congested roads are only capable of two emotions; neutral and angry. This was unsettling to deal with. Traffic